Most popular Heroes, Skills and Items for this class
Ulma Grimstone
Avric Albright
Elder Mok
Andira Runehand
Okaluk and Rakash
Augur Grisom
Brother Gherinn
Jonas the Kind
Brew Elixir (0XP)
Herbal Lore (1XP)
Concoction (1XP)
Secret Formula (2XP)
Inky Substance (1XP)
Bottled Courage (2XP)
Potent Remedies (3XP)
Hidden Stash (3XP)
Protective Tonic (2XP)
Smoking Vials (Start)
Chainmail (Act 1)
Leather Armor (Act 1)
Iron Shield (Act 1)
Ring of Power (Act 1)
Shield of Light (Act 1)
Thief's Vest (Act 1)
Mana Weave (Act 1)
Elven Boots (Act 1)
Crossbow (Act 1)
Bow of Bone (Act 1)
Deflecting Shield (Act 1)
Rune Plate (Act 1)
Scorpion Helm (Act 1)
Serpent Dagger (Act 1)
Dwarven Firebomb (Act 2)
Staff of the Wild (Act 2)
Obsidian Scalemail (Act 2)
Black Iron Helm (Act 2)
Heavy Steel Shield (Act 2)
Merciful Boots (Act 2)
Shadow Tome (Act 2)
Bow of the Eclipse (Act 2)
Mace of Kellos (Act 2)
Rune of Blades (Act 2)
Lightning Strike (Act 2)
Repeating Crossbow (Act 2)
Ironbound Shield (Act 2)
Stone Armor (Act 2)
Shroud of Dusk (Act 2)