Monster Statistics and Info

Statistics showing the most popular monsters and information about monster traits, size, conditions, ...


Most popular monsters (Top 40)

Goblin Archers

The Shadow Rune
46% 46% of Encounters


The Shadow Rune
28% 28% of Encounters


The Shadow Rune
25% 25% of Encounters


The Shadow Rune
24% 24% of Encounters

Flesh Moulders

The Shadow Rune
22% 22% of Encounters

Cave Spiders

The Shadow Rune
20% 20% of Encounters

Shadow Dragons

The Shadow Rune
15% 15% of Encounters


The Shadow Rune
9% 9% of Encounters


Shadow of Nerekhall
9% 9% of Encounters


The Shadow Rune
7% 7% of Encounters

Goblin Witchers

Labyrinth of Ruin
5% 5% of Encounters

Hybrid Sentinels

Lair of the Wyrm
5% 5% of Encounters


Shadow of Nerekhall
5% 5% of Encounters


Labyrinth of Ruin
5% 5% of Encounters

Ynfernael Hulks

Shadow of Nerekhall
5% 5% of Encounters


Manor of Ravens
4% 4% of Encounters

Volucrix Reavers

Labyrinth of Ruin
4% 4% of Encounters

Rat Swarms

Shadow of Nerekhall
4% 4% of Encounters

Fire Imps

Lair of the Wyrm
3% 3% of Encounters


Manor of Ravens
3% 3% of Encounters


Mists of Bilehall
2% 2% of Encounters


Crusade of the Forgotten
2% 2% of Encounters

Carrion Drakes

Labyrinth of Ruin
2% 2% of Encounters


Bonds of the Wild
2% 2% of Encounters


The Trollfens
2% 2% of Encounters

Plague Worms

The Trollfens
2% 2% of Encounters


Mists of Bilehall
2% 2% of Encounters


Crown of Destiny
2% 2% of Encounters


Bonds of the Wild
2% 2% of Encounters

Bone Horrors

Mists of Bilehall
2% 2% of Encounters

Bane Spiders

Oath of the Outcast
1% 1% of Encounters


Crusade of the Forgotten
1% 1% of Encounters


Oath of the Outcast
1% 1% of Encounters


Crusade of the Forgotten
1% 1% of Encounters

Crypt Dragons

Guardians of Deephall
1% 1% of Encounters

Shambling Colossuses

The Chains that Rust
1% 1% of Encounters


Oath of the Outcast
1% 1% of Encounters

Demon Lords

Treaty of Champions
1% 1% of Encounters


Guardians of Deephall
1% 1% of Encounters

Dark Priests

Guardians of Deephall
1% 1% of Encounters


Monster Traits


SoN Changelings
ToC Crow Hags
SoE Dark Minotaurs
GoD Dark Priests
CK Dark Priests
TSR Flesh Moulders
SoN Ironbound
MoB Reanimates
CK Skeleton Archers
ToC Skeleton Archers
CotF Sorcerers
CK Sorcerers
TCtR The Dispossessed
MoR Wraith


TSR Elementals
CK Ice Wyrms
SoE Ice Wyrms
SoE Shades
GoD Wendigos
CK Wendigos


OotO Bane Spiders
CK Bane Spiders
TSR Barghest
MoB Broodwalkers
LoR Carrion Drakes
CoD Chaos Beasts
CK Chaos Beasts
ToC Crow Hags
GoD Crypt Dragons
CK Crypt Dragons
SoE Dark Minotaurs
CK Deep Elves
BotW Deep Elves
CK Manticores
VoD Manticores
TCtR Marrow Priests
SoN Rat Swarms
CK Shades
TSR Shadow Dragons


CK Blood Apes
SotS Blood Apes
CK Demon Lords
ToC Demon Lords
TSR Elementals
LotW Fire Imps
CK Hellhounds
BotW Hellhounds
CoD Lava Beetles
CK Lava Beetles
SoN Ynfernael Hulks


MoR Bandits
MoB Broodwalkers
TSR Goblin Archers
LoR Goblin Witchers
CotF Golems
CK Golems
SoN Ironbound
CK Kobolds
BotW Kobolds
TCtR Marrow Priests
CotF Medusae
CK Medusae
CK Ogres
VoD Ogres
SoN Rat Swarms
CotF Sorcerers
CK Sorcerers
LoR Volucrix Reavers
TSR Zombies


LoR Carrion Drakes
CK Ferrox
SotS Ferrox
TSR Merriods
CK Nagas
SotS Nagas
TT Plague Worms


OotO Beastmen
CK Beastmen
TSR Ettins
CoD Giants
CK Giants
CotF Golems
CK Golems
TT Harpies
LotW Hybrid Sentinels
CK Trolls
VoD Trolls
LoR Volucrix Reavers


LoR Arachyura
MoR Bandits
TSR Barghest
OotO Beastmen
CK Beastmen
TSR Cave Spiders
CoD Giants
CK Giants
TT Harpies
CK Manticores
VoD Manticores
TSR Merriods
OotO Razorwings
CK Razorwings
TCtR Shambling Colossuses


LoR Arachyura
MoB Bone Horrors
SoN Changelings
CoD Chaos Beasts
CK Chaos Beasts
GoD Crypt Dragons
CK Crypt Dragons
GoD Dark Priests
CK Dark Priests
CK Demon Lords
ToC Demon Lords
LotW Fire Imps
TSR Flesh Moulders
LoR Goblin Witchers
CK Hellhounds
BotW Hellhounds
CotF Medusae
CK Medusae
MoB Reanimates
CK Shades
SoE Shades
TCtR Shambling Colossuses
CK Skeleton Archers
ToC Skeleton Archers
TCtR The Dispossessed
MoR Wraith
SoN Ynfernael Hulks
TSR Zombies


OotO Bane Spiders
CK Bane Spiders
CK Blood Apes
SotS Blood Apes
MoB Bone Horrors
TSR Cave Spiders
CK Deep Elves
BotW Deep Elves
TSR Ettins
CK Ferrox
SotS Ferrox
TSR Goblin Archers
LotW Hybrid Sentinels
CK Ice Wyrms
SoE Ice Wyrms
CK Kobolds
BotW Kobolds
CoD Lava Beetles
CK Nagas
SotS Nagas
CK Ogres
VoD Ogres
TT Plague Worms
OotO Razorwings
CK Razorwings
TSR Shadow Dragons
CK Trolls
VoD Trolls
GoD Wendigos
CK Wendigos


Monster Size


MoR Bandits
OotO Beastmen
CK Beastmen
MoB Bone Horrors
MoB Broodwalkers
LoR Carrion Drakes
TSR Cave Spiders
SoN Changelings
ToC Crow Hags
SoE Dark Minotaurs
GoD Dark Priests
CK Dark Priests
CK Deep Elves
BotW Deep Elves
CK Ferrox
SotS Ferrox
LotW Fire Imps
TSR Flesh Moulders
TSR Goblin Archers
LoR Goblin Witchers
TT Harpies
LotW Hybrid Sentinels
SoN Ironbound
CK Kobolds
BotW Kobolds
CoD Lava Beetles
CK Lava Beetles
TCtR Marrow Priests
CotF Medusae
CK Medusae
OotO Razorwings
CK Razorwings
MoB Reanimates
CK Shades
SoE Shades
CK Skeleton Archers
ToC Skeleton Archers
CotF Sorcerers
CK Sorcerers
TCtR The Dispossessed
LoR Volucrix Reavers
MoR Wraith
TSR Zombies


TSR Barghest
CK Blood Apes
CK Hellhounds
BotW Hellhounds
VoD Manticores
TT Plague Worms
SoN Rat Swarms


LoR Arachyura
OotO Bane Spiders
CK Bane Spiders
SotS Blood Apes
CoD Chaos Beasts
CK Chaos Beasts
CK Demon Lords
ToC Demon Lords
TSR Elementals
TSR Ettins
CoD Giants
CK Giants
CotF Golems
CK Golems
CK Manticores
TSR Merriods
CK Nagas
SotS Nagas
CK Ogres
VoD Ogres
TCtR Shambling Colossuses
CK Trolls
VoD Trolls
GoD Wendigos
CK Wendigos
SoN Ynfernael Hulks


GoD Crypt Dragons
CK Crypt Dragons
CK Ice Wyrms
SoE Ice Wyrms
TSR Shadow Dragons

Important: All Medium, Huge and Massive monsters are considered Large monsters.


Conditions inflictable by monsters


SoN Changelings
SoN Rat Swarms


LotW Fire Imps
LotW Valyndra


LoR Arachyura
LoR Ariad
LoR Goblin Witchers
LoR Queen Ariad


LoR Carrion Drakes
CK Ferrox
SotS Ferrox
TT Plague Worms
TSR Zombies


MoR Bandits
MoR Wraith


OotO Bane Spiders
CK Bane Spiders
TSR Baron Zachareth
GoD Crypt Dragons
CK Crypt Dragons
TSR Elementals
CotF Medusae
CK Medusae
TSR Merriods
CK Nagas
SotS Nagas
LoR Queen Ariad
TSR Zombies


MoR Bandits
OotO Bane Spiders
CK Bane Spiders
TSR Belthir
LoR Carrion Drakes
TSR Cave Spiders
CK Manticores
VoD Manticores
CotF Medusae
CK Medusae
CK Nagas
SotS Nagas


CoD Giants
CK Giants
TSR Lady Eliza Farrow
CotF Medusae
CK Medusae
LoR Raythen
OotO Razorwings
CK Razorwings
VoD Trolls


TT Plague Worms


MoB Broodwalkers
MoB Zarihell