Most popular Heroes, Skills and Items for this class
Andira Runehand
Avric Albright
Elder Mok
Okaluk and Rakash
Ulma Grimstone
Brother Gherinn
Chosen of Kellos (0XP)
Divine Light (3XP)
Zealous Aura (1XP)
Righteous (2XP)
Yew Shortbow (Start)
Black Widow's Web (Start)
Hunting Knife (Start)
Lucky Charm (Start)
Throwing Knives (Start)
Feathered Hatchet (Start)
Tribal Cloak (Start)
Rune Plate (Act 1)
Deflecting Shield (Act 1)
Baron's Cloak (Act 1)
Mace of Aver (Act 1)
Trident (Act 1)
Thief's Vest (Act 1)
Chainmail (Act 1)
Steel Broadsword (Act 1)
Dragontooth Hammer (Act 2)
Glaive (Act 2)
Lightning Strike (Act 2)
Obsidian Scalemail (Act 2)
Rat-Tooth Dagger (Act 2)